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Lyrics for Ripples

What’s worth while?
what drop in the pond
will ripple on and on

A comment in passing
sets someone thinking
it could be forgotten
or it could ripple on and on and on

A comet traversing
the solar system
sets kings in motion
following a star

What’s worth while
Being kind, being true
(Whatever that is)
is all around

Doing what you say you’re gonna to do
(unless it’s really dumb)

I guess the moral of the story is
don’t be dumb
hold your tongue
don’t say too much

Have you tried teaching people
by hitting them on the head
with your ideas
it doesn’t work all that well
it doesn’t work at all

People rarely change
so you might as well like them
whatever that is
is all around

Ripples (ripple ripple)
across the ocean
Ripples (ripple ripple)
of devotion
Ripples (ripple ripple)
just keep going

What’s worth while
sunrise, a smile
gazing at the sky
at the moon & the stars and the size of it all

whatever that is
is all around

worth while

all the higher emotions
and the living moment(s) where things happen

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