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No Complaints

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Lyrics for No Complaints

I don’t have that many friends
But the friends I have are good friends

And I don’t have all that many things
But the things I have are mostly good things

I’ve got no complaints, no I ain’t got complaints
Because Life’s too short, and way too long
To spend it all dwelling on what’s gone wrong

I’m not a drunken fool or a cross eyed saint
I just really ain’t into complaints

I have a funny feeling that the universe is great
Even on the days when it seems like maybe it ain’t


There’s a lot of things I just don’t understand
And my life hasn’t gone how I’d planned

But I have hope for the future and a roof for tonight
And even in the dark I’m heading for the light


Whiny people are very annoying
And I would know because I’ve actually been one

For many years I caused red ears
But I’m getting old and I’ve said I’m done


I’m usually out of money and I’ve always looked funny
I’ve got a bony face and a bulgy tummy

There’s a lot of things that I’d like to change
But I’m happy to be here, just the same


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